Conference Registration

People interested in participating in the conference should enrol for free through the technical secretary of the conference (UPUA Senior and Mass Media Observatory), following the indicated procedure:

Registration dates: 13th  March to 13th April 2009
Limited admission due to registration dates and capacity of the hall.

Enrolment document

-    Through the electronic leaflet available on the webpage and online enrolment:

Paper presentation

People interested in presenting a paper should be enroled before the deadline and they sould send the title of the paper and a summary (about 100 words) to the conference secretary.

for sending the summaries: 30th March 2009.
for sending the complete text: 13th April 2009

Stylistic standard:
Times New Roman, 12
Interlineal 1,5
Margin 2,5
Extension of the complete paper: between 8 and 10 pages

Note: It is necessary to be enroled for presenting a paper. The title of the paper must be indicated.