Programme Conference

Monday 20th April 2009

10:00 Conference Inauguration: Representatives of the CAM and of the University of Alicante.

Presentation of the conference:
CAM: Representative of the CAM.
JUBICAM: D. José Fco. Barberá Blesa, President of the JUBICAM and D. Francisco Bernabeu Penalva, President of honour of the European Association of Retiree Bancs.
UA: Josefina Bueno Alonso, Vice-president of Extracurricular Activities
Permanent University: Concepción Bru Ronda, Director of  Permanent University.
10:30Paper: “Seniors in the Mass Media”
D. Fernando González Delgado, Journalist and writer.
11:45Panel of experts: “Seniors and the other view of the Consumer. Media, Addressee and Market Share”

Presentation: Jordi Sánchez Navas, Journalist and Collaborating Professor of the  Universidad Permanente.
With participation of:
Juan Ramón Gil Berenguer, Información Newspaper Director.
José Soto Tornero, Las Provincias Newspaper Director.
Ezequiel Moltó Seguí, El País Newspaper Editor, Valencian Community.
Benjamín Llorens Brotons, Radio Alicante Cadena Ser Director.
Matilde Pelegrí Torres, Senda Senior Magazine Director.
16:30Panel of experts: “The Invisibility of Seniors in the Media”.

Presentation: Irene Ramos Soler, Doctor of Sociology.
With participation of:
Loles Díaz Aledo, Journalist and Ex-director of the Club de la Vida RNE.
José Mª Perea Soro, Información Newspaper Editor.
Tomás Escrivá Peña, Association of Retiree Caja Mediterráneo JUBICAM.
Antonio E. Gil Sánchez, Panorama Mediterráneo CAM, Magazine Director.
Fernando Embid Fernández, Collaborating Professor and UPUA Researcher .
18:00Presentation of the conference reports

Presentation: Concepción Bru Ronda, Permanent University Director.

Tuesday 21st April 2009

09:30Paper: “Publicity and Seniors in the UPUA Observatory”.
Irene Ramos Soler, Doctor of Sociology and Researcher of UPUA "Seniors and mass media Observatory".
11:00Paper: “Seniors and Intergenerationality, necessary Collaboration”.
Antonio Ariño Villarroya, Doctor of Sociology and Vice-president of the European Convergence and Quality University of Valencia.
12:00Round table discussion:  “Researcher and research objects. Seniors: Image and Treatment in the Media”.

Francisco Bernabeu Penalva, President of honour European Association of Retiree Bancs.
With participation of:
Mª Luisa Mataix Scasso, AAUP President.
Felipe Castejón Albaladejo, Club EuConet Coordinator
Carlos Alberto Fernández León, Researcher of the Seniors and Mass Media Observatory.
Isidora Lozano Marco, Researcher of the Seniors and Mass Media Seminar.
Mª Carmen Molina Serrano, Researcher of the Seniors and Mass Media Observatory.
17:00 hPlatform CAMON: “The Web and the ICTs as a Means of Socialisation and Mass Communication. CAMON a new Opportunity for Seniors' Socialisation”.
Lorenzo Andreu Baile, Platform CAMON.
18:00Conference Conclusions.

Seniors and the Mass Media Seminar:
Irene Ramos Soler, Doctor of Sociology and Researcher of the UPUA's Seniors and the Mass Media Observatory.
Concepción Bru Ronda, Permanent University Director
19:00Conference Closing
Representative of the CAM
Josefina Bueno Alonso, Vice-president of Extracurricular Activities, University of Alicante.
Tomás Escrivá Peña, Association of Retiree Caja Mediterráneo JUBICAM.