One first action: The seniors in the Spanish contemporary novel

Subject: The seniors in the Spanish contemporary novel (link to the program).
Coordinator 05/06: Javier Carro Rosende.
The general mission
To analyze and to value the image of the senior people in present universal/spanish literature.
Char them with colloquy and it debates and works in small groups.
Reading of works analysis object.
The carried out work consisted of the reading of present authors, analyzing by an established protocol the personages of more than 50 years than they appear in each one.
With the results of the analyses reflections/conclusions were written up.
So that the valuations were most objective possible, each work was read by a work group (WG) made up of 5 students one of who it acted like coordinator of the work group (CWG), once finalized the reading of a work, the WG met and wrote up the conclusions of the analysis of the personages of senior people than they appeared in the work.
The works object of reading and analysis were chosen of between the proposals by professor Javier Rosende Car.
So that the works analysis object had a recognized quality and they covered an ample theme with authors and present subjects were chosen between the winners of some important literary prizes.
Also works of a reasonable extension were selected (200 - 300 pages, for example)
The professor wrote up a proposal of protocol of analysis of the personages that served as guide to the students during the reading of the same ones
Each work was read and analyzed at least by 2 Work groups.
Duration of the initiative:  Course 2005-06 from October to June during two hours weekly.