Permanent seminar: Seniors in mass media


In the Course the 2005-06 Permanent University participated in a seminar organized by the IMSERSO and the International University Menéndez Pelayo, and made between the 29 of August and 2 of September of 2005, whose subject was “the senior People and the Mass media”. The course, was based on a study made by the company of communication “Comunica2” on the treatment that receives the greater ones in Spanish mass media: newspapers, radio and television. It had professionals of the written press, Spanish radio and televisions. Also the vision of the greater ones in the publicity occurred.

Vista Alumnos

The summary of this course was shaped in the denominated “Declaration of Santander”, signed not by the components of the course but by the attending journalists or guests to the same. Therefore this course analyzed under the optics of means to the figure of the senior person.
The seminar generated between the professors and assistants of the Permanent University, series of reflections mainly the necessity to approach this analysis but in this occasion from the perspective of the senior ones than always does not agree with media.                     
One was divided in addition to the experience of work and analysis of the senior ones in the literature, that had given very substantial results and it woke up the curiosity and necessity to initiate a study and analysis on “seniors and mass media” in our scope of university influence.
From it was the beginning of the workshop “seniors and mass media: treatment of a presence (Link to the subject card)”, coordinated by the Educational Collaborators of the Permanent University Fernando Embid Fernandez and Mª Dolores Berengues Ros.
In this first year 2006-07 a total of 12 students of the program has participated in this initiative, who have developed in a seminar the tasks of investigation, analysis and support to the Permanent seminar “greater and mass media: treatment of a presence”.
Between the diverse results obtained in course 2006-07 they locate the writing of a manifesto (link to the manifesto), the publication of several articles in the written and digital press, and the participation in a forum.
The assistants to the seminar of the UPUA consider the necessity to define the “space” of the seniors person, according to the reality , for the official organisms, for the private company, with respect to his potentials of consumption, and for mass media the scope of application is completely different. Really: to define who is senior person, if different scales depend on the strip of age, its autonomy and physical and/or economic independence.
Evidently, and if we paid attention to the reality, the dispositions that makes the IMSERSO, like regulating and vigilant official organism of this social demographic group, are not applied strictly.
The sixty five years it is the barrier to happen to denominate to an adult person senior person; but we paid attention to mass media this idea does not take shape in all the cases.