European year for active ageing and solidarity between generations


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Project name

CONVERSATIONS AT THE SEDE (Alicante University Town Venue)

Area / Areas covered by the project:

Lifelong learning X
Social participation X
Social awareness
Health and life conditions
Intergenerational X

Start and end dates
  • Every academic year: from October to June
  • In 2011-2012, it started on October 15, 2011 and continued until June 15, 2012

  • Improving the knowledge, abilities and skills in several languages: English, French and German.
  • Making easier personal, intergenerational and cultural relationships between UA students and senior as well as young residents in the Alicante region-province.
  • Collaborating in the integration of European citizens who are residents in our geographical context.
  • Encouraging linguistic and cultural voluntary service among foreigners who can provide their knowledge to Spanish seniors with a poor mastery of other languages.


In 2008, and within the framework of lifelong training for seniors, the Permanent University set in motion the CONVERSATIONS AT THE SEDE initiative as part of a “Best Practice” which had as its aim cultural and linguistic integration, as well as active ageing and intergenerational solidarity among residents in the Alicante province.

This practice was implemented starting from the concept of cooperative learning –both from the perspective of academic results and from practice in social skills- focusing on the student and encouraging collaboration between peers in order to help each other reach their respective goals. Furthermore, the utilization of cooperative learning between seniors and young students (or people between 24 and 92 years of age and various generations) is very valuable in this case, because this group owns very varied knowledge and cultural experiences that they are willing to share.

The most significant aspect of this initiative lies in the fact that, apart from being academically supervised by the UPUA, it is carried out with volunteers coming from different European countries and from the US, who are residents in this area and interact with Spanish young and senior students.


Cooperative learning is a very interesting tool – both from the perspective of academic results and from practice in social skills- which focuses on the student, promoting collaboration between peers so that they can help each other achieve their respective goals.

The utilization of cooperative learning with seniors is very valuable, since this social group owns plenty of knowledge that they are willing to share.
UPUA students have a considerable potential regarding language knowledge as well as the need to improve their mastery of second languages. Therefore, we find ourselves in an ideal situation to undertake a cooperative learning initiative in the context of languages (English, French and German).

On the other hand, the high number of foreign residents (mainly from Central Europe and the United States) who live within the UA area of influence determines the need for a linguistic approach to this important group who suffers the risk of exclusion.

At the beginning of each academic year, and once they have registered at the Permanent University, the UPUA summons those students who have expressed their interest in taking advantage of the cooperative learning provided by the CONVERSATIONS AT THE SEDE initiative for an informative meeting in which those interested can register and the group of volunteers is organized. From there, the following aspects are established:
  • The working schedule/calendar.
  • Operation timetables and days.
  • The distribution of tutors and students between groups.
  • An approximate script/plan of the topics to be treated and the work dynamics within each group.
  • Programme of joint initiatives and multicultural activities at the end of each semester.
Registration is free, but it is necessary to be a Permanent University student in the current year or a member of the Association of Students and Alumni of the UPUA, or of the UA for young students who also want to join this intergenerational best practice.

Level of implementation (significant aspects and results in figures)

The Permanent University set this initiative in motion in 2008 with the collaboration of the Senior Diploma teaching staff, the Permanent University students, the associations of foreign residents and private individuals who voluntarily wished to cooperate. For this purpose, we have made available a number of infrastructure resources (classrooms, computers, video projectors, documents) together with academic and administrative help which permits to support, coordinate, monitor and evaluate this activity.

The Conversations at the Sede initiative develops throughout the academic year, two hours a week from Monday to Friday in small groups, distributed by different languages and levels. There are 4 English language groups made up of 12-15 students, a German language group with 10 students and 2 French language groups of 12-15 participants every year.
A total of approximately 80 to 100 people between 26 and 85 years of age enjoy this best practice every academic year between October and June.
The number of participants has kept increasing since the beginning.
Attendance is very regular and with a high participation level.
At the end of each academic year, the voluntary tutors as well as the UPUA staff in charge of this activity draw up a report in which the strengths and weaknesses of the initiative are assessed with a view to the implementation of this best practice during the next academic year. 

Short explanation of the reasons why this project is considered an example of best practice

This initiative has considerably improved the knowledge referred to oral skills (comprehension, interaction and oral expression) in English, French and German which are often neglected during university years because of the large numbers of students and the shortage of time. Thanks to the small number of participants in each of the groups set up for this Conversations at the Sede best practice and to the cosy, family-like atmosphere based on cooperative learning, students can overcome the fear of speaking in another language and practice between peers. An interaction has additionally been created between people of different ages and cultural backgrounds, which in turn has triggered the sociocultural integration of groups who were initially isolated both by language and by other barriers such as culture and/or age. 

The main tangible outcomes are the creation of a dynamic and active group, a space for inclusion, an information-communication website, dossiers with documents of interest for users, articles published in the media, Babel Post - Multilingual Newspaper, as well as the creation of a cultural geographical itinerary network which can help seniors deepen into the cultural heritage of the Valencian Autonomous Region. These itineraries, designed by the volunteers themselves, have made it possible to bring foreign residents closer to us and promote the integration of isolated groups. All these results are published in Spanish, English and Catalan.
Among the improvement alternatives, we have been striving every year to increase the massive participation of young students in this initiative –which is the lowest one in such initiatives at the moment– and from intergenerationality, with the incorporation of students coming from Secondary Education centres.

The Permanent University of the University of Alicante has organized meetings locally with other centres and associations in order to transfer the knowledge to other interested organizations.

The participants at international meetings have been encouraged to know such initiatives and Best Practices originated from Senior volunteer groups for the purpose of dynamising similar actions in other areas both in Spain and abroad.


Country: ESPAŅA

Contact Telephone: 00 34 965 14 59 79 / 00 34 965 90 97 93
Contact e-mail:
Contact Person:  Nuria Ruiz

Best Practice link

Link European year of active ageing and intergenerational solidarity