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ACT-NET is a transnational community of European experts and practitioners working on the evaluation of informal learning. It  is based on the science-practice project ACT! (Active Citizenship Training 2005 - 2008) that developed a unique approach to assess and evidence competences in informal learning contexts. ACT-NET offers methodology, instruments and easy to use web-based software to develop tailor-made evaluation of individualised informal learning projects especially to those stakeholders who work with “non-mainstreaming” and disadvantaged target groups.

ADD LIFE - Adding quality to life through inter-generational learning via universities

The project will give learners in five countries the opportunity to participate in the piloting of the modules and to become promoters and facilitators/mentors for the participation of other people
The ADDLIFE-Tool Kit is designed to introduce you to the best practice in inter-generational learning developed in the ADD LIFE project.

AGE on Stage

Best practice projects from different funding programmes will be screened and evaluated for their concrete and innovative benefit for learning opportunities in later life. Within the project a European magazine “Focus Europe”:  dedicated to the European Year of Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity will summarise the best practice projects and outcomes identified for learning in later life.


ASLECT - Active Seniors Learn, Educate, Communicate and Transmit - will identify a series of Good Practices on Seniors’ Involvement in Education and in Cultural Life, will elaborate training materials aimed at helping cultural professionals to work with seniors, developing educational programmes with them and for them, will produce a set of Recommendations for Cultural Organisations working with Seniors and, through promotional activities at national and European levels, will raise awareness on the potential contribution of seniors to the educational and cultural field.
Our project is focused on the valorisation of results and experiences from Lifelong learning program. Here you can find the latest newsletter.


ForAge is a European multi-lateral network with the central aim of communicating and promoting the experiences of learning for older people. Its goal is to help raise standards of practice throughout Europe and beyond. The aim of ForAge is to be a single access point for information about later-life learning in Europe, connecting different activities and projects. It seeks to extend recognition of the value of learning for older people as a means of fostering inclusion, participation and intergenerational solidarity in European societies. The objective of the network is to contribute to the international research and evidence base for later-life learning and to increase access to innovative and progressive ideas and practice in Europe. Here you can find the project leaflet.

GATE - Generations Ageing Together in Europe

The goal is to encourage reflection on active ageing and what this means for EU citizens.  More specifically through the project older people from the member states will be brought together to discuss what active ageing means to them and raise awareness of the importance of active ageing to help ensure that older people are able to remain in the labour market for longer, to prevent social exclusion by encouraging participation in their communities and to help prevent dependency as people get older. The project flyer can be downloaded here.

HiStory – Seniors tell about history

Psychological findings show that learning in higher ages is possible and desirable, especially when particular needs of the target group are taken into account. The project HiStory regards these needs by choosing a subject, the personally experienced history and integrating the subject into an easy-to-handle weblog learning environment with the potential of including audio and video files. HiStory wants to address the social inclusion (and eInclusion) of seniors and to advance active citizenship in terms of awareness of historical contexts and, as a consequence, responsible political and cultural acting in the presence and future.

IGLOO –InterGenerational Learning in OrganisatiOns

The project IGLOO sets out to develop a tool-set for companies and organisations in order to support and facilitate intergenerational learning and exchange. The model will include latest scientific results on learning abilities and on workplace learning. It will not be a concept for a conventional seminar but a complex mix of new learning strategies, settings and techniques. Furthermore, the aim is to raise the sensitivity of employers and workers concerning the issue intergenerational learning in general.

Isolation to Inclusion

The project work focused on the identification and improvement of measures that enable groups at a multi-dimensional risk of social exclusion to fully participate in community life. A major focus was put on strengthening initiatives by older persons for older persons and on supporting networks of these initiatives. The i2i-project was carried out in Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Lithuania and the UK.

LARA - Learning - a Response to Ageing

The project LARA aims to support adult educators by developing and delivering training to provide knowledge, skills and practical information that will enable them to deliver learning that is responsible to the demands and opportunities of ageing.


The project invites young people (14 – 20) and older people (50+) to create innovative media products, under the guidance and support of professional artists and media trainers, such as iPod movies, audio guides for a museum, video blogs on exhibitions, tagtool performances and digital photographs. As a central outcome of the partnership, a handbook will be published in 2013 that will inspire media educators, trainers, artists and practitioners, and transfer knowledge to stakeholders and other interested in the intergenerational dialogue.


The project aims at improving the living and working environment for the elderly people. This is done by improving the quality of the public services and adapting them to the needs of the elderly and secondly, by establishing a new urban environment considering the new needs related to the changing lifestyle and the ageing of the society.

RIVER Project

The RIVER project aims at making the learning benefits of senior volunteering activities visible and providing and improving learning opportunities for the increasing number of senior citizens in Europe.
A validation system for seniore volunteering will be developed and teste and intergenerational learning will be promoted by working with intergenerational seniore volunteering projects. The project leaflet is here available.


The project aims at offering training courses to members of seniors' self-help groups and voluntary work initiatives to improve their skills in empowering seniors with weak family and social networks, to take on a greater role in society. It builds on work outlined by the European project “Isolation to Inclusion” in which Local and Regional Action Plans for the re-integration of isolated old people into community life were set up.

Senior Guides

The Senior-Guides project intended developing, implementing and disseminating a curriculum for the training of older volunteers to conduct guided tours for senior citizens and inform them about specific offers for them in their locality (e.g. lifelong learning opportunities, volunteering possibilities and social services provision)

Senior Project

The Social Ethical and Privacy Needs in ICT for Older People: A Dialogue for Roadmap (SENIOR) is a 2 year support action which aims to provide a systematic assessment using dialogue as the key instrument to evaluate the social, ethical and privacy issues involved in ICT and Ageing.


Seniors in Europe learn in Networks - is a  project - in which older people have the opportunity to better participate in learning processes by coming together in social groups (networks). A cooperation of several countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece and Romania, researches the daily activities of this target group and uses the findings to create a practical model that can have various applications.


SEVEN is an international network of 29 organisations promoting senior volunteer exchanges. SEVEN's member organisations include NGOs, local governments, universities and research centres with experience in the co-ordination and management of senior volunteer programs.

TraVeLAGEnts – over 55’s without frontiers

The “TraVeL AGEnts” project aims at promoting active participation of older people in society and facilitating their mobility across the European Union through the establishment of the “over 55s without frontiers” networks. It is implemented in 10 EU countries (Greece, Italy, Finland, Germany, Portugal, Cyprus, Estonia, Slovakia, Poland and Czech Republic) with the co-funding of the European Commission in the framework of the ENEA Preparatory Action.

TOP + “Training Older Persons - Pioneer model usable for older adult trainers”

The low enrolment of older workers in Lifelong Learning in Europe represents a waste of individual opportunities and potential as well as a loss of productive and economic potential. The aims of the project are therefore  to identify best and worst practices in lifelong learning and to design and develop a vocational training model for older adults teachers and trainers, including a curriculum and an innovative training tool.