PAPER A - Problem statement: 



Mainly asylum seekers from non EU countries that have little or no knowledge of the French language, living in small family circles, usually with very little contact with the Belgian population.
Other learners will be French speaking illiterate adults, usually men that cannot read or write and have received little school education: some are in adapted work businesses, such as wood or garden complexes.

SYNOPSIS - Brainstorming session ideas imagined by learners and staff present at partnership meetings: 

These Think Tank ideas operate as incentives for Partners to produce their PAPER B proposals.



PAPER B - How partners propose to solve the problem: 

It would be a good idea to motivate these people to feel and be part in there. community by participating in many activities in a daily Life. Case 1 Paper B Cyprus
ITALY It would be a good idea to help the learners by stimulating them to integrate in the new social context by creating a friendly relationship where the learners can find a kind atmosphere and people on which they can rely on.
Motivation and integration are the key elements necessary for learning a foreign language.
LATVIA Motivation is number one when speaking about acquiring any kind of skills. These people (asylum seekers, illiterate adults) have a driving force – the need for a job and inclusion in society. Language learning is both difficult and also enjoyable process. One of the methods to help improve language skills is listening, which can be done by anyone who can hear, and is willing to do it. Case 1 Paper B Latvia
LUXEMBOURG To propose a planned schedule for the family. It means to simplify learning french by including the family in daily activities in the community of the village. Little works (gardening,painting,...). Volunteer people can support them in those activities like little works, shopping, appointments at the doctor’s, leisure activities. Are there some muslim people, who can make a visit with them at the moschee in Brussel for example?
Another possibility to learn the french language is a PC program named “Point”. It is an pictographic organizer. It works with pictograms showing daily activities and it works with writing.
With the combination of Pictograms and including the french writing it is maybe easier to learn the french language.

Try introducing new linguistic elements into day-to-day activities/ we propose:

  • Accompany in shopping
  • Accompany in everyday situations
  • Writing out and putting up new words and phrases
  • Using the social network 
  • Using Google platform 
  • Using media
Case 1 Paper B Poland
  1. Playing board games (e.g. Bingo, word puzzles, dominoes, Snakes & Ladders, etc.) or crosswords;
  2. Singing songs, for example, alphabet or children’s songs, using easily identifiable melodies or popular songs everyone knows the melody of;
  3. Role-playing different concrete everyday situations that may take place in the supermarket, the chemist’s, the baker’s, the restaurant (even choosing menus), etc.
  4. Organising guided visits to the village where asylum seekers could stay in contact with local people in concrete situations;
  5. Using the media: newspapers, movies, radio;
  6. Organising some sports activities or playing traditional games.

Case 1 Paper B Portugal

  • ATTRACT ATTENTION AND GAINING CONFIDENCE: Free sports activities at school for parents and children: football games, board games, arts and crafts; Invitations to participate in the viewing of international sporting events (Champions league, etc.)
  • FORMATION: Workshops of furnishing, paintings, arts and crafts, cooking and baking and sewing; Practical workshops for language use, working with pictograms and drawings and short texts and summary prospectuses: “One day in…”The market, at work, the hospital, the bank, Services and resources available.

Case 1 Paper B Spain

  1. Municipality or some associations can organize some courses which include innovative teaching themes, just like games, computer or interactive learning.
  2. Provide them to practice the language in the city with the local people. Because the more they practice the more they learn better.
  3. For the kids, their parents should encourage them speaking and practicing the second language even in the family instead of their mother language.
  4. Parents must be trained by the local authorities for this purpose.
Case 1 Paper B Turkey