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The project brings together partners who, in their particular contexts and in their learning / teaching practises, have to cope with practical educational issues involving persons of several generations. It aims at breaking the perception barriers that might become obstacles to cooperation between these people.

The partners realize there is a need for new teaching practices taking the generation factor into consideration. Their project postulates that intergenerational (IG) issues under scrutiny by different age groups modifies perceptions in a constructive way.
It therefore covers two important aspects of the learning / teaching process:
1/ a model of education combining pedagogy and gerontagogy
- by creating and developing common educational tools aimed at learners teachers and staff belonging to different age groups.
2/ a content that covers “universal” areas of life
- by exploring, describing and illustrating real lifestyles portraits for different predetermined age groups using the same lifestyle variables for each.
- by establishing which subjects of interest, that are not taught in schools or through different media, seniors can transmit to younger generations. And inversely, by revealing what younger persons can share that is not exclusively of a technological nature.
The partnership wishes to engage people in varying European contexts who will disclose their personal involvement concerning their preoccupations for intergenerational issues using lifestyles as a common medium.
It aims at providing some increased form of awareness regarding the way Europeans live at different stages of their lives within different cultural contexts.
Project productions will be assembled in the form of an illustrated IG compendium of lifestyles and best practises for public

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