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Meeting Agenda


Lifestyles Revisited


  • Beypazarı Kız Teknik ve Meslek Lisesi, Ankara, TR
  • Club Senior Nordstad, Ettelbruck, Luxemburg, LU
  • Escola Secundaria, D.Sancho I, Vila Nova de Famalicão, PT
  • Fundacja Pomocy Niewidomym, Lomianki, PL
  • Mittetulundusühing Vitateam, Narva, EE
  • Scuola Secondaria di I Grado G.Pascoli, Fasano di Brindisi, IT
  • Universidad Permanente de la Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, ES
  • Zebra Formations asbl, Hannut, BE


Meeting agenda at Universidad Permanente de la Universidad de Alicante, Alicante :          12 - 13 September 2011


1/ Designating a secretary for the project meetings (who will take notes, write and communicate the report). This person should belong to the organization of the following project meeting.

2/ Introduction by the coordinator and preliminary activity for introducing each other.

3/ Presentation of each organization : using a short Power Point presentation of 5 minutes maximum each.

4/ Examining and discussing the evaluators’ remarks.

5/ Creation of a common Internet Web Base for communication



6/ Creation of evaluation tools (see F5 section of application form)

  1. related to the aims of the partnership
    1. Two assessment grids will be proposed by the coordinator: the procedure will be explained next time.
  2. scale grids from ++ to -- for subjective assessment of aspects under F5 (communication, creativity, educational activities, learning skills, learning strategies, personal achievement).
  3. Partners responsible for this task: this point will be discussed under 8/.

7/ General presentation of the project.

See Stages of the Project under section D3.

The project can be summarized as follows: à produce an illustrated IG compendium of lifestyles and best practices (= project productions) or:

Project productions

Generation groups: 1, 2, 3, etc




Lifestyle variables: a,b,c, etc




Illustrated best practice for 1a

Illustrated best practice for 2a


Illustrated best practice for 1b

Illustrated best practice for 2b

Methodological practical framework:

Partners have to agree on the choice of a particular lifestyle variable (see examples below) to be more specifically studied in relation to its local context.

IMPORTANT NOTE: one should be aware that a pertinent choice of variable will be necessary for the perceptions of                     

  • your own lifestyle culture
  • other countries lifestyles

in the following workshops (next stages of the project).

At the next meeting each partner should present the work method followed and the outcomes: use Power Point presentations to

  1. describe the group, the activity, the method used.
  2. show how the workshop activity could be adapted.

A common structure for the project compendium will be proposed at the next meeting.

All other partners can use (adapt) and experiment the proposed practice in its on local context and compare the results.


Examples of lifestyle variables (application form):

Opinions, attitudes, behaviour, beliefs, social values, skills, knowledge, experience




Housing (a), living places (b), architectural design (c), clothes and fashion (d), artistic tastes (e), eating habits (f), etc.


8/ Reminder and review of the specific distribution of tasks, according to the application form and particularly in view of the evaluation and production of the compendium.

9/ Creating a detailed calendar of meetings, events and activities.

10/ AOB: any other matter.


Suggested time planning:


12 September

15:00 – 16:30

Points 1,2

Short break

16 :45 – 18 :30

Points 3,4,5

Free time


13 September

09 :30 – 11 :00

Points 6,7

Short break


11 :15 – 13 :00

Points 7, 8

13 :00 – 14 :00

Sandwich time

14 :00 – 15 :00

Point 9, 10

Free time

20 :00

Evening mea

NOTE:  Discussions about the project can of course continue during informal contacts and social activities.

IMPORTANT REMARKPartners should pay for ALL their own expenses (accommodation, food, drinks, visits, etc.)

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