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European Added Value


The added value of the project towards European cooperation stems from the “share and exchange” process in which participants, learners and staff, are able to learn more from and about their counterparts and their local lifestyles variables.
They should be capable to distinguish the “universal” dimensions from the regional ones in their national contexts.

The partnership obtains added value not only because it brings together players of European countries but also because its target groups made up of persons of different ages and origin with their regional backgrounds and lifestyles constitute a fundamental intrinsic aspect of it. They are situated at the core of the project itself.

The partnership engages people in varying European contexts who will disclose their personal involvement concerning their preoccupations for intergenerational issues.
It aims at providing some increased form of awareness concerning the way Europeans live at different stages of their lives within different cultural contexts.

As the partnership will enable learners and staff to explore, understand, describe and compare lifestyles across Europe in various age groups, it will provide some increased form of awareness concerning common preoccupations of European citizens about intergenerational issues.

The nature of the programme is likely to enhance European cooperation as partners involved will exchange and discuss common intergenerational issues that will increase understanding and open-mindedness through:
- co-operative working.
- transfer of good practices.
- a sense of personal well-being, self-worth and social value.
- overcoming prejudice against other age groups in different European contexts and breaking stereotyped conceptions.

For all partners there will be a sense of belonging to a broader entity sharing similar preoccupations and opening new horizons arising from contacts and from what has been learned.

Throughout the development of the project and its visibility inside the partner institutions, participants will be informed about the EU priorities in lifelong learning, particularly in the field of intergenerational solidarity.


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