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User warning: The following module is missing from the file system: entity. For information about how to fix this, see the documentation page. in _drupal_trigger_error_with_delayed_logging() (line 1143 of C:\web2\lifestyles\includes\


Specific impacts on all persons:

Learners and staff will improve their educational strategies and their capacity to innovate and promote intergenerational issues to discuss in social, cultural and educational contexts.

Specific impacts on senior learners:

- Organisations working with senior learners either in intergenerational study circles or reminiscence groups will use the partnership as an opportunity for assimilating them in the community, thereby enhancing their motivation and self-esteem. Being a perfect source of information about changing lifestyles they will see their presence and activity valued.

- valorisation of their social role and their position held in close and family circles and in the society at large, thanks to the sharing of knowledge and experience. Also by fighting feelings of exclusion in the field of access to information.
- development of listening, expression and communication capacities through structured presentations.
- reduction of cognitive decline and stimulation of memory faculties.

Specific impacts on adult learners:

The partnership activities will help them to reflect on the life choices they make and the determining factors for adopting particular lifestyles. Sharing experiences with other age groups in several European contexts will induce them to accept the pertinence of relative points of view. This will enhance not only their discernment aptitudes but also increase their motivation to investigate study subjects in a different way.
Specific impacts on staff:
- reducing the feeling of being an outgroup by playing an important role in the partnership as participating learning-trainers involved in the project.
- increasing satisfaction by taking part in out of track and uncommon activities.

Specific impacts on organisations:

The project does not consider organisations as separate entities but as real life work and education places where lifestyle choices (use of space, embellishment of premises, cleanliness, etc.) are not neutral. The reflection about these choices in study groups could modulate or consolidate deciders’ options, notably by attributing more importance to intergenerational factors within their organisation and the partnership could become an opportunity for integrating a new content programme within the existing curriculum.
Each person involved in the process as teacher and learner will gain knowledge and experience to be shared regardless of status.

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