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The partnership activities will be a strong ground for:

- acquiring knowledge and experience in many fields linked to lifestyle variables of European regions and countries.
- increasing awareness of stereotyped perception phenomena for age groups permitting a better understanding of communication difficulties between these groups, bridging the incomprehension gap.
- maintaining and developing observation, description and transmission capabilities and competencies: being able to explain taking into consideration the difficulties of other age groups (peda/gerontagogy training).
- developing awareness of variations of socioeconomic conditions of age groups in Europe.

For all partners the project enhances existing work, deepens relationships with “users” and confirms and strengthens their general goals.
- They believe the workshops and study circles will improve communication in general, strengthen social links and foster initiatives for a dynamic development of their organisation.
- The activities will increase prestige of the participating institutions, improve and extend the range of their education services and will act as an incentive to participate in other European projects that will broaden the knowledge and scope of learners and staff.

For all partners the project will introduce greater skills and understanding and build capacity to develop new forms of educational activity. It also produces a variety of other impacts including
• greater use of innovative teaching activities,
• better team-working and internal communication
• improved understanding of the needs of the learners
• a deepening knowledge and understanding of the European context and dimension

The organisations and their various users will also
• experience greater ‘connection’ to others thus alleviating a sense of local isolation.
• improve their own esteem and motivation.
• assist in the development of new courses aimed at Lifelong Learning in intergenerational contexts.

All the organisations will benefit from wider local publicity which provides
- increased opportunities for future work,
- an increased capacity in project management, engaging volunteers,
- increased collaboration with local authorities and ventures.
- expanding into new areas of social action and research.

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