Case Studies

Case Partner Summary
CASE STUDY N°1 Belgium

Mainly asylum seekers from non EU countries that have little or no knowledge of the French language, living in small family circles, usually with very little contact with the Belgian population.
Other learners will be French speaking illiterate adults, usually men that cannot read or write and have received little school education: some are in adapted work businesses, such as wood or garden complexes.


Mainly old aged people are living in a rural areas where technology is not very popular. Even in some places need to pay to access to the internet. Adult illiteracy is often defined to people whose ages are more than 15 years. Furthermore other learners will be many foreign people in Cyprus they are illiterate to computers - incareer - people who didn’t have the opportunity to study immediately after leaving school due to financial and personal problems.


The learners are mostly seniors of about 80 years old coming from rural areas in the south of Italy. They have to leave their houses and their usual habits. Some of the seniors were independent in their daily routine and in their houses but they have to get used to a very different lifestyle. Sometimes the integration in the new social context may be very difficult because the seniors have to adopt themselves to the new environment.


Due to increase in retirement age and prolongation of working life people feel more stressed and insecure in their work places. They are afraid of losing their jobs, try to work even longer hours but respectively that leads to exhaustion and stress. We are looking for ways on how to maintain physical, mental and psychological well-being of people in pre-retirement age. The burnout is a real problem of these people (they work and take on more responsibilities than they should, facing psychological load at work, in addition they do work at home, they lack skills on how to get away from problems and it creates additional fatigue. They lack faith in their own powers; it brings a lot of negative emotions and depression.

CASE STUDY N°5 Luxembourg

Encouragement of 9 local Associations who offer meeting places and activities for Senior’s to cooperate with the Club Senior Nordstad.

  • Promote the personal contact between the volunteer Staff from Local Associations and the professional Staff of Club Senior Nordstad
  • Reducing prejudices between the Associations and promoting trust and knowledge of chances.
  • The staff members of local Associations accept the Club Senior as an additional regional offer for all elderly people and not as a rivalry
  • The staff of local associations could help as an intermediator, to motivate members to benefit from special activities (sports, attended holidays, etc)
  • Organizing of a common event with one or several local clubs

People that were either born blind or have recently lost the ability to see and are still not very independent.

They are frustrated and they feel useless and excluded from the society; they experience difficulties with executing the daily life tasks.

CASE STUDY N°7 Portugal
  • To give strategies to teachers who work with students of very distinct age groups, in order to make it possible for them to allow every student to feel welcome and connected to the activities.
  • To make it easier for students of different age groups to engage in pair or group work without feeling excluded or prejudiced and thus allowing them to learn together.
  • To prevent the formation of age clusters within the classroom.
It is about a large group of older adult women who do not feel able to become involved in cultural and educational activities.
Frequently, these women have some relatives to look after all day long, mainly their grandchildren, parents and dependants, which favours their isolation as they only have a loose contact with other members of their social environment.
We are talking about the so-called ‘slave grandmothers’ who, due to the current economic situation together with other social and cultural circumstances, have been forced to assume this role.
  • Promoting use of sport activities and cognitive development of older adult men and  women in  Manisa and its suburb.
  • By the help of sport improving their social relationships between other people.
  • Regular exercise increases strength, endurance, and flexibility and as a result of increasing their self confidence.
  • Promoting their knowledge how regular sport activities are important for their life.
  • Prevention of immobility.
  • Reduction in stress, anxiety and overall wellbeing