
The partnership activities are a strong ground for:

  • Acquiring knowledge and experience in many fields related to socialization activities using play and games of different kinds practiced in European regions and countries.
  • Increasing awareness of stereotyped perceptions of target groups labelled as “fragile”, permitting a better understanding of communication difficulties between these “out-groups” and the population at large.
  • Developing awareness of variations of socio-economic conditions of the target groups in Europe.

The partners consider the task workshops and study circles as a way of strengthening social links and fostering initiatives towards a dynamic development of their organisations. They are also an incentive to participate in other European projects that will broaden the knowledge and scope of learners, trainers and staff.

The organisations wish to experience greater ‘connection’ to others thus alleviating a sense of local isolation and to assist in the development of new courses aimed at Lifelong Learning in playful and performing contexts. Ultimately each organisation will benefit from the cooperation with their partners and will gain an increased capacity in project management, expanding their scope into new areas of social action and research.
