die Berater


Austria is represented in the consortium with die Berater ® - a private educational provider in Austria founded in 1998 who employs around 500 members of staff who work in different locations all over Austria in the following fields:

  • Education and training
  • Coaching and counseling
  • Consultancy
  • Outplacement coaching
  • EU projects

die Berater ® offer educational seminars and training courses for individuals, organizations, and enterprises from soft skills to languages and information technologies. Their main aims are to motivate and qualify customers to make full use of their potentials in the economy, at the labour market and in their personal lives. Around 20.000 people participate in die Berater ®’s programmes per year -many of them in job orientation and vocational qualification programmes delivered for the Austrian labour market service. Contents and methodologies, including blended learning, are tailor-made according to the needs of customers.

die Berater ® has an own EU department with ten staff members from sociology, economy, management, coaching, and counselling, focussing on managing and carrying out EU projects in the fields of education and training, language skills, health promotion, labour market integration, and the integration of vulnerable groups into society.

Contact person

Franziska Steffen

Previous projects related to ageing:

IACS: Improving Access to Care Counselling (2010-2012) – funded by PROGRESS

SLIC: Sustainable Learning in the Community. Raising Awareness of older people’s competencies and identifying new opportunities for learning and engagement (2007-2009) – funded by LLP Grundtvig

SLIC 2: Valuing older people’s skills and experience: Training peer facilitators (2011-2013) – funded by LLP Grundtvig

healthPROelderly: Evidence-based guidelines on health promotion for older people (2006-2008) – funded by Public Health Programme

Publications related to ageing:

Lang, G., Resch, K., Hofer, K. Braddick, F. & Gabilondo, A. (2010). Background document for the Thematic Conference on Mental Health and Well-being among Older People. Luxembourg: European Communities. © European Communities, 2010)

Resch, K. & Aumayr, G. (2011). Methodische Herausforderungen bei der Befragung von und Testungen mit vulnerablen, älteren Menschen ab 60. S.129-142. In: Moser-Siegmeth, V. & Aumayr, G. (Hg.): Alter und Technik. Theorie und Praxis. Wien: Facultas.

Resch, K. (2013). Essstörungen als Folge von Traumatisierung bei älteren Frauen zwischen 50 und 70 Jahren. Eine Interviewstudie. Wien: sowhat – Institut für Menschen mit Essstörungen.

Brown, P. & Lang, G. & Resch, K. (2012). Evidence-based health promotion for older people and instrumentalisation: comparing the influence of policy contexts in Austria and England, In: Critical Public Health, DOI:10.1080/ 09581596.2012.700392

Resch, K. (2010). Reformpotential Gesundheitsförderung – Ideen zur Gesundheitsförderung für Pflegekräfte, ältere Menschen und pflegende Angehörige. Österreichische Pflegezeitschrift, 06/2010

Resch, K., & Lang, G. (2008). National Evaluation Report - Austria. healthPROelderly. Evidence-based Guidelines on Health Promotion for Older People: Social determinants, Inequality and Sustainability. Vienna: Research Institute of the Viennese Red Cross.

Contact me:

Franziska Steffen, f.steffen@dieberater.com

Wipplingerstraße 32, A-1010 Vienna, Austria